Ani-jin index
Ani-jin log
Provisional Ani-jin planning for the next few weeks
Disclaimer: Unless notified by others, I have no idea when holidays (other than xmas/newyear and summer) and TU/e / Fontys exam weeks are, so I haven't accounted for those in the planning...
If too few people (less then 4?) are present, a movie or OVA will be watched instead and watching the series episodes is moved to the next week.
2024-??-?? 3 tuesdays every 4 weeks, Ani-jin evenings organized by Jorge/Leander (see Kinjin agenda and discord)
2024-09-03 Ouran Koukou Host Club/Ouran High Schhol Host Club 01-06+
wed 2024-09-04 Etienne's first Ghibli
2024-09-10 Open Culture Week Anime Movie Night (location: Kinjin room, Luna -1.219?):
2024-09-17 ?? 01-06+ or picking next 3 series @ Discord?
2024-09-xx ?? 01-06+
2024-10-16? First Episodes Night (fall):
Last modified: 2024-09-02